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Tuesday, October 12, 2021


 Ben my friend is addicted to heroin . He has got lots of stories about himself and these stories are all about building himself up . 

I understand that because when you are a loser you need some self esteem . Most people are losers in one way or another and junkies are the biggest maybe .Listen to nearly anyone and they are building up lost esteem consciously or unconsciously . Most people don’t know who they are or maybe know who they are but try to hide it . I say this say it how it is but Ben probably has nothing left to hold onto .

His stories are all about the normality of life like buying a home and a car and finding a job . None of these things he day dreams about will ever come to fruition because he is a slave to heroin. 

So one day l got irritated with his stories and said .”!Why don’t you come clean and face reality . Your whole life is about H “ 

His friendly manner changed and he said “ you smoke right and do you think you can stop “? 

I replied “ maybe l can “ 

And he replied “ the hardest thing in the world is to get off Heroin . It’s a million times worse than trying to give up smoking . You should think before you judge “ .

I was a bit ashamed because he was right . I asked him about the life and he went back to its all cool mode .

I talked to him another time and learnt something as  he said it’s linked to homelessness . He said nearly all homeless are connected to drugs and a lesser extent booze . The point is said Ben if you need drugs and have the rent or mortgage money you spend the rent money on drugs and thus little by little you become the homeless junkie . Later when you get old and have no money for drugs you become the bag man or bag lady wheeling a supermarket trolly around .

The only goal in a junkies life is the drug . The only thing that stops them killing themselves is little money for if they had money they would buy all the drugs possible and be dead . Overdose . 

I like Ben because he’s always cheerful . I meet him a lot at Monza where he scores his drugs . He is always happy when he scores some H . He manages to have a drug life and home life because he lives with his mum .He is always really nice to me and never ever asked me for money so l suppose he must have a way of getting it .


1. Why is Ben cheerful considering he’s a junkie

2. Do you think he could be cured ? If yes how ?

3. I think we could stop drugs if we have incredible high sentences to drug dealers . What do you think ?

4. Di you think drugs should be legal ? 

5 . What’s the worst addiction for you ? Remember an addiction is always something that alters brain patterns 

6 . I think that if we don’t legalize drugs then junkies should be forced to give up . What do you think ? 

7. Why do people take up addictions ? 

8. What is worse a junkie or a dipso ? 

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