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Friday, February 26, 2021


 Art Discussion






5.Otto Dix

6.Great War



Looking at art is an inspirational and emotional experience. Talking about art is a launching pad for creativity, collaboration, and cognition. In my opinion, if art vanished tomorrow we would be looking at a vastly different world because the world is made up of nature and art and design.
Below is a list of questions to ask yourself before replying to any of our lessons on painting or if you want to enjoy art. Use this as a guide to talk about art.
1. Why
Why was it painted? Many paintings are done for different reasons. Some are purely that of doing something because you like the subject others can be propaganda as in the Stalinist or Hitler period and others can be a kind of diary of experience as in that of many war artists.
Some can be warnings like the paintings of Otto Dix in The Great War. Others have done solely for prestige as in those of Gainsborough for rich people. Some sole design, for instance, I do lots of paintings just seeing if colours work together and I have no message.
In the case of the Pool of Bethesda by Hogarth, the artist painted it out of jealousy so if you researched this painting you would understand. Anyway just research why something was done and what kind of painting is it?
2. What’s going on in the painting?
Differences of opinion are fine in a beginners class and any interpretation is a way of learning and seeing but the real opinion is maybe that of the artist or the art historian nevertheless my famous art teacher Gombrich told me at university "art is what the viewer sees ". Is that true? Well, he is an internationally known art expert and I'm just your teacher. But anyway try to describe the painting even if you feel you might be wrong do not be afraid just use your own words.
3 Why do you think it was painted
As said before the reason for a painting is important. I just opened an exhibition catalogue of the Eric Ravillious exhibition at Dulwich London ( I always buy the catalogue) and asked my friend why did Eric Ravillious paint this and he said because he liked it and that might seem like a silly answer but its a correct answer.
No one does anything unless they like it or are paid big money but there is another reason and that is a passion for a thing or a person.
4 What historical period.

What was happening then _
If we know about the period we can relate more to the artist, we understand him more and the age he worked in
5, Compare the painting to others painted in the same years
6 Expression and Impression
It does not matter if you know about this painting just express your own thoughts. Opinions by non-experts are like someone talking about fish who has never ever seen a fish in his or her life. Opinions are valueless unless you are an expert but we are in a different situation. We are asking questions and using English so you are permitted an opinion but remember in later life after school only give an opinion if you know about something. It's always better to ask questions.
7. What kind of painting is it
Is it religious, is it erotic, is it propaganda or political but the main thing to decide is one thing and that is even though something seems something it may not be.
8 What technique is used
is it oil or gouache? What about the brushstrokes, the style and the times. Times reflect a style and also countries reflect a style. Three painters can paint the same thing and there will be three different things especially in national style such as a Chinese painter compared to an English one. Gombrich pointed this out one day




Under wraps
Pent up
Make out
Things that go above your head.

After reading make a phrase with the above


There are many types of secrets. .Political secrets where a journalist can infiltrate The significance of political secrets can go above people's heads though.

Secret fears that are kept secret because they are seemingly pathetic like the fear I had of water when I was a child. I could not pass a lake on my way to school without closing my eyes. I never told anyone.

Secrets of the universe such as what is it all about? Where do we come from? Is there life in the universe? Is the government keeping this a secret from us?
Sometimes a secret is kept from the threat of being ostracized. Sometimes a secret is not important but you think it is. In reality worth zilch. We keep secrets under wraps if we are giving someone a present for their birthday. The secret is in anticipation and keeping this kind of secret is often done adversely to our nature that wants to tell someone what the present is before their birthday. All-consuming need to tell must give way to the surprise. We feel happily pent up until the secret is revealed. Sometimes people makeup secrets and sometimes this is funny.


1.“What is a secret?” (Takes some ideas from class)

2.“Why would we ever need to keep secrets?” (Ask the class for examples.)

3.“Some things are kept secret because they are surprises.” (Ask the class for
4.You know what someone is getting for their birthday, but you’ve been asked not
to tell so that you won’t spoil the surprise.
Should you keep this secret?
5.“There are other kinds of secrets, too. Some things are secret because someone
would get into trouble if another person found out. Would you tell if you did not like the person?
Ask the class for an example.]

6.You call your sister a name in an argument. She says she is going to tell your
parents. You apologize and ask her not to tell. You know you have hurt her
feelings, and you do not want to do that again.”
Should your sister keep this secret?
7.“Some things are secret because the information is private. If others knew,
someone would be embarrassed.”
For example: [You can ask the class for an example.]
Your best friend made a bad grade in math. He told you about it but asked you
not to tell.”
Should you keep this secret?

8.What are some secrets that might be good?

9.A good secret is something that makes you feel happy. Your intuition tells you it is
good like the example of the birthday present
ask the class for an example.
10.You see someone steal something in a store. This person tells you not to tell
anyone about it.
Should you keep this secret?
11.A bad secret is one where someone is in danger.” For example: ask the
class for an example.]
You know that your brother takes off his helmet when he’s riding his bike. He tells
you that “you better not tell.”
Should you keep this secret?
12 How would you feel if you were keeping a bad secret? What would you do?”
For instance, you know your next-door neighbour makes illegal fireworks in his flat and then sells them
He asks you not to tell because it is his only way of making a living?
What do you do?

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Tuesday, February 23, 2021



collective economic history

highly globalised

localised economies

LOCAL (role play) You may add anything

Maria; I'm Italian and I do not know what local means in Italian it can mean a room
Joe; In English, it means a few things. If we say let's go down the local it always means the public house which is called the pub. If we say the locals it means the people who live around us and near to us. If we say for instance where is the Station we say it's local if it is near? So local also means near.
Maria; Oh thank you
Joe; But Maria have you heard of the local food economy?
Maria; No
Joe; Well it means people who buy locally to stop pollution and to keep money in the neighbourhood
Maria; How does it work
Joe; Well instead of giving your money to big multinational supermarkets you can buy from little shops or farmers markets,
Maria; What is a farmer's market
Joe; Well it is a farmer who simply sells his stuff in the market after growing it. All local.
Maria; Oh like zero kilometre markets Joe?

Joe; Not exactly but you are near enough but local food shops are not zero kilometre shops Maria but they do have lots of local food.


    Imagine a pub in a typical British town. People who live down the road refer to it as their “local”, and yet it is also a pub owned by a big corporate company that is headquartered abroad. 

    Some of the confusion may be linked to the fact that when we look at our collective economic history there is a clear trend towards everything becoming less and less local. Five hundred years ago most of us would have spent almost all of our lives within a radius of a few miles, and almost everything we ate, everything we owned and everyone we met would have come from that same area. Now, we live in a highly globalised world. Think of the ingredients in your last meal, the stuff in your home or the people in your life - chances are many of them originated from different towns, regions and countries. You yourself have probably lived in - or have heritage from - multiple different places. 

    The end result is that it’s far more common to hear politicians and newspapers talk about economics on an international scale (“international trade deals”, “the world economy”, “the global recession”), a national scale rather than a local one. 

    But this may be changing. People seem to be becoming increasingly interested in moving away from a focus on globalisation and towards an emphasis on “localised” economies. “Buy local” campaigns, for example, encourage people to purchase stuff that was either made nearby or is sold by a business that only operates in that area. The reasoning is that buying local helps the environment (because transporting stuff from far away emits greenhouse gases), makes you and your neighbours better off (because the money stays in the area and is invested in nearby things that you’re all likely to use) or provides more jobs to locals (which some people think it’s important to prioritise). Imagine a big supermarket where all the profits are taken away from a local area.

    There’s also a theory that if you as a citizen and taxpayer see the people and places you know personally benefiting from local government decisions, you’re more likely to feel democratically empowered and engaged in your local economy. That’s the same logic behind giving ownership of a local service or business to residents, in the form of something like a cooperative or community-owned bank. 

    But not everyone is convinced of the virtues of localism. Some people think that giving jobs to local people is racist.

  • localism might raise prices. That would hit the poorest hardest but would it really and would the rise in price mean much


  • Is Localism about sustaining the earth?

  • If yes should we only shop local?

  • Do you think that we really need huge supermarkets?

  • Do you think that idea of eating local means that the starving may eat more?



    • WORDS 
    • Denotes 
    • Storage
    • Overseen
    • food sovereignty 
    • big price margins
    • global food players
    • Joint

    • Zero km food (0 km food) is a concept which a few years ago appeared also in Italy. It denotes the food produced, sold and eaten locally – the food which travels zero kilometres. Mainly it refers to non-industrial fruits, vegetables, cheese, meat, honey etc, which does not go through global trade chains, therefore it does not have big price margins and quality lost during long storage in international supermarkets. 
    • Zero KM Food is a production and sales philosophy that combines pleasure and knowledge for eating. It brings advantages for environmental and human health and increases employment and savings for consumers and the public purse, through savings in oil, which represents 35% of product distribution costs
    • It also has an important ecological aspect which can not be overseen – since there is no transport involved (we buy maybe local food from the shop on the corner of the zero km market and the environment does not suffer from direct and indirect pollution. 
    • The consciousness of the Italians in some places is very high when it comes to supporting the local trade and local economy and this is out of the fact that Italians want food that they regard as genuine. 

      Why is this concept relevant for sustainable development? For several reasons! First, it is highly connected to food sovereignty – the right of people to define their own food systems. 

    • Both countries and local communities should have the right and possibilities to grow their own food, and decrease the dependence on global food players. Secondly, zero km food supports the rare and unique food species which should be kept and not lost. An example is more than 100 species of potatoes in Ecuador which continue to exist and support eco-diversity in that country.

    • Concepts like “100% local” and “zero kilometres” products are now on an upward trend also in Spain and are forcing the food industry to rethink how it does business. 

      But it is not easy to bring together local producers and industries.

      Why? Because the most readily available products, in terms of proximity, are not always the cheapest for customers and because production depends on seasonal foods, meaning regional produce is not always easy to come by.

    • In Italy, 74.1% of Italians prefer Made in Italy products and 80% of respondents opt for seasonal fruit and vegetables. Furthermore, 75.4% of consumers check labels to be aware of food origin, some of them mainly pick Dop, Igp or Doc certified products, and some others usually choose local products, called zero kilometre products, which come from places close to where you live (59.3%). Young people seem to be more interested in buying organic food than others. 

      • In the Uk, the zero Kilometres idea seems to have given way to the farmers market which although keeping some of the zero Kms ideas is still selling food that has to be flown in. Brockley Market in the UK Located in Lewisham College car park is a  friendly weekly market and a great place to pick up some quality groceries. The focus is on locally-sourced seasonal food, whether that’s a joint for your Sunday lunch, your basic supply of fresh fruit and veg, or cakes, artisan bread, cheese and charcuterie for a special occasion. Highlights include free-range poultry from Fosse Meadow and excellent Spanish cheeses and chorizo from Flavours of Spain

      • 1. What's the difference between Farmer's market and Zero kilometre markets?

      • 2.What is a global food player?

      • 3.What are young Italians more interested in?

      • 4.What does it mean to check an article

      • 5. Is it important for zero kilometres markets to be cheap or well priced?

      • 6.Are zero kilometre markets according to the text biological?



    HIGHBROW means high culture

    GRUESOME means something terrible, something that makes you feel horrified

    STUNNINGLY  . Something that is far from normal. For instance the woman is stuuningly beautiful or ugly .Villa Raverio is stunningly quiet

    DISEMBODIED. Something taken away from something

    GHOULS Something horrible and ghostly

    MINGLE to be part of  a group of people. I went to the party and started to mingle with the other people

    BLEND IN also a  cookery term that means to make something part of something .I did not know anyone at the party but I tried to blend in. 

    ICONOCLASM Those who destroy art mainly out of religious reasons 

    TO FOCUS concentrate deeply

    WITTING in an image it is the thing you are meant to see . For instance in the Triumph of Death we are meant to see the dance of death and the end of mankind.

    UNWITTING something the author of a work did not intend but it is there anyway. For instance in the Triumph Of Death something must have made the painter paint such horrible scenes and the unwitting testimony is that in his own country there was terrible war 

    When I was a kid my dad used to take me round the famous London art galleries on a Sunday morning . That was the first time I came into contact with Pieter Bruegel the elder . His paintings were mostly destroyed when he died and now there are forty in existence but he more or less celebrated the life of the peasant in his homeland. He was called Peasant Brughel because he liked to dress up like one of them so he could mingle unnoticed.

    He blended in with them and was able to do drawings of them that would later become paintings. But his most famous painting is the Triumph of Death which is a painting that isbout the end of mankind. It was probably painted because of the religious wars going on in the Netherlands between the Spanish and the Dutch. It is a frightening painting and when I first saw it I straight away thought of Hieronymous Bosch.Bosch was described like this by Van Mander

    "Who will be able to tell of the wierd and strange ideas in his mind". If you believe in Hell then your vision of it is from a Bosch painting "When I saw them in London they terrified me .He must be the inspiration not just for Bruegel but also countless horror films of today.

    Bruegel and Bosch were both painters of pastoral life and did mostkly that kind of painting .

    Bruegel  was a formative influence on Dutch golden age painting he was one of the first generation of artists to grow up when religious subjects had ceased to be the natural subject matter of painting. Focusing instead on the visual world  and depicting everyday scenes of peseant life.

    Bruegel was born at a time of extensive change in Western Europe. Humanist ideals from the previous century influenced artists and scholars. In Italy   artists such as Michaelangelo  and  Da Vinci  painted their masterpieces.

    Reformation was accompanied by iconoclasm  and the widespread destruction of art  in the Low countries 

    The Catholic Church viewed Protestantism and its iconoclasm as a threat to the Church.

     The Coubncil of Trent which concluded in 1563, said that  that religious art should be more focused on religious subject-matter and less on material things and decorative qualities.

    At this time, the Low Countries  wanted separation from the Habsburg rule based in Spain. The Habsburg monarchs of Spain attempted a policy of strict religious uniformity for the Catholic Church within their domains and enforced it with the inqusition. Increasing religious riots, political manoeuvrings, and executions eventually resulted in the outbreak of the eighty years war.

    In this atmosphere Bruegel reached the height of his career as a painter. Two years before his death, the Eighty Years' War began between the United Provinces and Spain.

    In this historical atmosphere his  moral work, the triumph of Death  is symbolized by a large army of skeletons razing the Earth. The background is a barren landscape in which scenes of destruction are still taking place. In the foreground, Death leads his armies from his reddish horse, destroying the world of the living. The latter are led to an enormous coffin with no hope for salvation. All of the social institutions are included in this composition and neither power nor devotion can save them. Some attempt to struggle against their dark destiny while others are resigned to their fate. Only a pair of lovers, at the lower right, remains outside the future they too will have to suffer. This painting depicts a customary theme in medieval literature: the dance of Death, which was frequently used by Northern artists. 

    Bruegel casts the entire work in a reddish-brown tone that gives the scene an infernal aspect appropriate for the subject at hand. This scene is influenced by both the medieval tradition of the Dance of Death and by depictions of the Triumph of Death in Italian painting. The profusion of scenes and moralizing sense applied by the artists are part of Hieronymous Bosch´s influence on this work. The pasinting is not about a pandemic but about his feelings towards the years of constant war in his country . The witting testyimony is as we have said above but the unwitting testimony is that the Renaissance the so called period was really about war and not discovery.

    Whatever you may think of Bruegel it was Bosch who gave me nightmares . What kind of mind did he have?


    1. What was the golden age of Dutch painting (research this )

    2. Whats the difference between mingle and blend in 

    3. Why was Bruegel called the elder?

    4  When Bruegel died he told his wife to destroy all his paintings . Can you guess why from the above text ?

    5.Give me an example of witting and unwitting

    6. Do you think Bruegel and Bosch influenced horror films of today?


    Thursday, February 18, 2021


    The greatest detective in the world was worthy of the greatest empire in the world but not just that but the greatest example of life on earth the place that was the heart of it all London.

    As SherlockHolmes left the shop where he had his cigarettes made to measure he thought about the fact that life had become boring.No more the erstwhile detective in search of an answer just whiling away his days with the old per cent solution of cocaine and Watson telling him how bad it was for his health. He was dressed in a dark blue suit and black top hat.

    "I looked at the symptoms Holmes. I removed the disorders that did not relate to you and narrowed the list down to Asperger’s Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder, and Savant Syndrome. Next, I found specific examples from Freud's latest book  that exhibit  you demonstrating the symptoms of each mental disorder." Said Watson. Watson was sitting in front of the blazing fire and smoking a cigar. He looked pleased with himself.

    Irritated Holmes replied "Please Watson! Refrain from these wanderings of your imagination, let us say,over-complicated but innocent mind !!!!

    Watson shut up. Holmes went on.

    "The truth is Watson is I find people boring but I do not find their problems boring if they are good ones and the fact is when was the last good one? The average person's opinion and mind are like a postal package. It arrives and they take out the opinion and then post the same opinion to someone else convinced that some intellectual thought has taken place. Watson was riled and annoyed at Holmes distaste for the common mind. "But Holmes ! People are people and cannot be expected to be like you ". Holmes ignored him and suddenly said "Watson! We have a visitor! Coming down Baker Street at this moment and recently let down in love. She writes poetry and is interested in the Romantic period. And last but not least loves the music of Chopin". Watson was flabbergasted . "Good God Holmes how is it even humanly possible to deduce all that ". Miss Jennifer Cumley a fallen but a gentile woman of Hampstead took the stairs towards Holmes and his deductions. She entered the room led by Mrs Hudson. Holmes had his back to her as he stood looking out the window but then turned in a snap and said " My dear lady pray take a seat you look exhausted. Mrs Hudson ! Tea and quickly"! Miss Jennifer Cumley sat down and said: "Oh thank you Mr Holmes Im so tired ". Holmes half bowed his head in the form of a salute and said "Please Miss Cumley tell us all there is to tell. She gathered her thoughts ." well Mr Holmes I work in a ragged school in Southwark. It is my duty in life to help the poor especially children. Mr Orlando Brown took advantage of me. Mr Orlandp Brown of Savvanah in the United States of America arrived in this country shortly after the civil war. He was a young man then but grew into a man whose profession in life was to take the heart and the finances of young gullible women. I, I am ashamed to say, am one. Holmes suddenly felt bored by the outpourings of the young woman and nearly said to the point woman! But his underlying kindness shone through and he said instead "Let us begin at the beginning then proceed my dear young lady". 

    Tuesday, February 16, 2021

     AGLIO NERA'aglio%20nero%3A%20procedimento%20di%20fermentazione&text=Certo%20che%20s%C3%AC!&text=Come%20primo%20step%20dovete%20lasciare,qua



    to groom 






    Due to its sensational nature, the spectre of unscrupulous adults preying upon and sexually exploiting youth online gets a lot of media attention. Although this does happen, sensational headlines do not help us understand the nature and true extent of the problem or how to deal with it effectively.

    In 2019, 1,549 incidents of child luring on the Internet were reported by Canadian authorities. Of these, 242 were deemed unfounded, 651 were cleared and 326 people were charged: 257 adults and 69 youth. Though the total number of cases has risen in the past five years, the number of people actually charged has remained fairly stable.

    What strategies do online sexual predators use?

    Contrary to the widespread belief that online predators “trick” kids, research shows that they rarely lie about their age or their motives. Instead, predators are most often open about their age and will shower a youth with attention, sympathy, affection and kindness, in order to persuade the victim that they love and understand them.A majority of predators are people that the victim already knows, who take advantage of the ability to communicate privately online, though the relationship may be with someone they did not know offline and may happen entirely online as well.

    Once the would-be predator has established a relationship with the victim they may try to “groom” them in a number of possible ways.In some cases this will be a gradual process of building an emotional bond and the pretense of a romantic relationship, while others quickly introduce sexual themes or content into the conversation. In either case, the predator’s twin goals are desensitization – making the victim accustomed to sexual talk or images – and reframing romantic or sexual relationships between teens and adults as being normal rather than harmful.

    As the process continues, the predator will often take steps to gauge how the victim is likely to respond to further grooming, to find out whether and in what situations the victim is able to meet or connect without supervision, and to ensure that the victim does not talk to anyone about the relationship.[

    As one victim describes her experience, “I had Skype downloaded on my phone so we can text during the day, and he would tell me how pretty I was and all this stuff and how I was so special, basically grooming me into believing that we had something so special and so breathtaking… and then he brought up the topic of doing Skype sex, basically, for him and with him. And I remember even being hesitant. But the driving force for me to do this was, this boy likes me and the only way he will continue to like me is if I do this for him.”

    Predators’ ultimate goals vary as well, with some seeking an in-person sexual encounter, some hoping to develop an online sexual relationship, and some trying to get sexual images or video that can be used for blackmail. There is overlap between these categories as well, and predators are frequently opportunistic, adapting their goals and strategies based on what they feel each victim is willing to do.

    1. Teenagers fall for predators on the internet because it is a new experience for them so how can they understand they are being groomed?

    2. The goal of the predator is to get what they want from a young person regardless of the consequences on a young underage person . Do you think these people should be heavily punished

    3.Why don't lots of youngsters tell their parents when this is happening

    4.In the Victorian age grooming wasnt even considered to be a danger why do you think it is now?

    Tuesday, February 9, 2021

    The false intelligentsia

    The greatest risk to the internet are not the lies of the idiot which everyone can see through but the lies of those purporting to be the intelligentsia. There are conservatives who lie, and there are liberals who lie, and both conservatism and liberalism do not hold truth to be a supreme value. This is also true for leftism. Truth is simply not the value to many  of the new left-wing and its would be intellectual especially those within university and those that hold university places . Lying is to the new left what breathing is to biological life. 
     Vladimir Lenin, named the Soviet communist newspaper “Pravda,” the Russian word for “truth.” But all of us know how that ended up .
     There are  are examples of lies people  are told and that they must hold dear  lest they be removed from social media, shamed, ostracized, and even fired from their jobs. 
    The 2016 Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win the election? This lie has permeated the American media for more than three years. There was never any truth to it. But those on the left–the Democratic Party and the mainstream media–found it a very useful claim, and they are doing so again in the 2020 campaign. This lie has been told since before Trump was elected. It is repeated by virtually every left-wing commentator and politician.
     See, for example, “10 Ways Trump Is Becoming a Dictator, Election Edition” by Harvard professor Stephen M. Walt (Foreign Policy, Sept. 8, 2020) or “Donald Trump Wants To Be a Dictator” by Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland (The Guardian, July 5, 2019). It is a lie. 
     The fact is no conservative American politician is a likely dictator because one of the fundamental goals of American conservatives is to shrink the power of the government. A dictatorship in America is far more likely to come from the left, which seeks to massively increase government power. We only have to look at Seattle where a cockeyed leftist government has been put in place, In that city drug addicts have more or less been given free reign. 
    America is a racist society? America is, in fact, the least racist country in history.
    Jews didn’t run to America and need  to prove there was widespread anti-Semitism in Germany in the 1930s.
     Another lie  was an example of widespread racist police brutality. The  lie is frequently cited by the left  including by figures as prominent as Barack Obama. Recently  a grand jury, which included black jurors, declined to indict the white police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown, a black man, because Brown had attacked the officer, sought to steal his gun, and was in the process of a second attack when he was killed. 
    America was founded in 1619, not 1776. This is the infamous New York Times lie for which the Times was awarded a Pulitzer Prize. This is the same prize awarded to the same newspaper in 1932 for its horrific lie that there was no famine in Ukraine when, in fact, Joseph Stalin was deliberately starving about 5 million Ukrainians to death. 
     Leading liberal scholars of American history have condemned the Times’ rewriting of American history—that the American Revolution was fought in order to preserve slavery—as a lie.
     These are just some of the left-wing lies increasing numbers of Americans believe.  

    Thursday, February 4, 2021





    Highbury Barn

    Some bloke



    Onion rings


    I went round the Ride a White Swan pub a JTW on Highbury corner

    I went for lunch with my Mate. We loved our fish and chip mains which were amazing with lots of flavor, very impressive for a not great-looking restaurant,
    it fact it looks rubbish but the yuppies living round Highbury don't go there as they all go up Highbury Barn for Fish and chips that sells loads of fresh seafood like oysters but at the Chip Inn its just us the real North Londoners even though I was born near Bow Bells
    The service was great and the chips were too many to finish and great British chips.
    When we arrived at 12.40, we had to wait only 2 minutes while they got our table ready. OK, so we didn't have a reservation, but the restaurant was only us and some bloke eating a saveloy at the counter . There was no reason to make us wait at all.
    We also ordered giant gherkins as a side dish and they looked delicious. But, when we tasted them they were even better We didn't expect so much for 14 quid both of us .We ordered Greek bread and some onion rings and some fishcakes.
    When the Stavros the manager asked if everything was ok, we said we really liked everything and that was it. He offered us some Greek wine and when we decided to leave a tip, he looked happy.
    I was really excited about visiting the Chip inn, and the food was just fantastic, the rest of the experience was really nice especially all the gluttons waiting at the counter for double chips. The next day about 10 in the morning I visited my other fav the Hope further up Holloway Road and I bought a newspaper sat down at ordered eggs bacon sausage mushrooms and chips and baked beans plus some hot coffee which is great and lots of toast and butter. That same evening I went round the Ride a White Swan pub a JTW on Highbury corner nearly and had the hamburger deal with any pint for a fiver ,its ok not great but beer is brilliant

    1. Does it sound good to you ?
    2. Fish and chips is a national dish so what is a national dish in your country
    3.Who is the best cook you know?
    4. Would you like to make a gastronomical tour of London?
    Persone raggiunte
    Mi piace
