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Friday, April 23, 2021


 There are lots of things you don't like on sight. Rick Stein, Dawn Henry, and her ex-husband, white socks, and people with hoodies so over their head that you can't make out who they are. You can't make out why you don't like some things you just do and there's a prevalence to dislike new fashions especially if you are a mod but the truth is fashion always goes hand in hand with style.

Style refers to a person’s particular way of expressing themselves—whether that’s through clothing, cooking style, or a style of architecture. In the fashion world, “style” is usually shorthand for “personal style,” or the way an individual expresses themselves through aesthetic choices such as their clothing, accessories, hairstyle, and the way they put an outfit together. So if we take personal style as a starting point and let's say you are invited to a top VIP party you would hardly turn up in the high fashion and also the style of the 70s, let's say in a Tommy Nutter suit. You would be so out of style not only fashion. If you are one of those people who think Queen Victoria is still alive would you go to that party in what was the zenith of Victorian style? Methinks not .

Fashion is the dominant style within a given culture at a certain time. Fashion has to do with new trends: It refers to popular ways of dressing during a specific era but popular ways are also about style. Only some mods dress in clothes that are way out of fashion and style and I'm referring to the done-up like a kipper all buttoned three-button suit which to the world at large gets the mental comment "fucking ell still wearing a three-button that bloke. Must have bought it new and worn it ever since" The style part of that would be to only wear the middle done up. Then it might look like a Brioni 3k suit idea. Straight away a joke becomes cool.

Style is not timeless just like fashion. When I was young and still had proper hair and about 20 kilos less than now Id get stopped on the street with other young blokes asking me where I got the suit . It wasn't just a case of buying a fashionable suit, the style part came in with how you wore it.

 Someone fashionable closely follows the latest fashion trends and wears designer clothing. Someone who is stylish may or may not follow fashion trends, but they always stay a bit close to what is happening even hippie types and even dopes who say they don't like dressing. Personal style is about developing a sense of self, rather than simply absorbing trends but for sure even unconsciously we absorb trends.

The truth is that you will hardly ever see anyone who is dressed in a fashion that's not acceptable today. That's why style and fashion bed together.

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