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Wednesday, April 28, 2021



Lots of people pick up ideas and words from T.V and the media that they use over and over again because these ideas and words are put into a places of importance. They then start from an axiom to  explain the rest of their idea forgetting that the starting point is wrong so all the rest is wrong. Those of left or right political ideas are the same and anything that furthers their world view of the world is manna from heaven.

People want to present themselves as informed but they dont have the time or capacity to undertake the critical or independent thought to do that and when caught out by someone who does know they get angry because they have been found out to be deadwood . Deadwood burns away to nothing .They  may not realise this consciously but unconsciously it hurts.

This is  basically, human beings trying to push forward an idea that they want to be true even if it's not . Much of it comes from learning things from parents and people in perceived authority not wishing to be proved wrong .  Secondly they have little critical appraisal because  asking  if  the word or idea is made up or  never existed in the real world is not part of the thinking.

 Most are basically using incorrect information from media people who don't know what is happening or are frightened to say. 

For instance I just saw Bruno Vespa and guests talking about the security of School as regards Covid and according to them all honky dory no danger  . The basic idea was totally incorrect . There is , logically, no security in school . You travel on a crowded bus and then go into a crowded class room . You get the Covid from the bus then take it to school .That is logical.

 So let us take for an example the total chaos of the covid pandemic and this may explain my point . It was easily preventable as regards lowering the huge numbers of people dead but  governments were incapable of doing the logical thing of closing down points of entry as soon as they heard it was coming .

Historically, the last known pandemic the world survived was the influenza virus  between 1918 and 1920, which took up to 100 million lives.

Sadly, we seem to have not understood anything from these warnings. This has been proven by the response of governments across countries, developed and developing alike, and their attention to public health.

The ease with which we can globetrot today is undeniable. Coronavirus, therefore, was transported from country to country within a matter of days -- thanks to the ease of travel.

As a result, almost half a million lives have been lost so far, and one-third of economies have been shut down due to lockdown procedures. The world economy has shrunk more than 6% in the last five months alone.

This compels us to ask the big question: Does globalization really exist? If it does, then why was everything totally disaster, and no one hardly learned from anyone.

The world has always been divided into North-South or East-West. Globalization was supposed to remove that divide. However, in this time of great need, we haven’t seen many positive impacts of globalization.

What we have witnessed, though, is the flow of information which, on many occasions, was chaotic.  The virus reached war and poverty-stricken countries faster than any humanitarian help ever reached them.

On a global level, most events that happen have nothing to do with the global co-operation .The US has imposed new hard economic sanctions on war-torn Syria that has already lost 380,000 lives and seen the displacement of 11 million people since the war broke out in 2011. In the so-called age of globalization, in a time of a severe global crisis, the most important action should be reshaping and reorganizing the public health sectors; countries should be working shoulder to shoulder to address the issue of our social wellbeing, which has been annihilated by the virus.

Instead, the superpowers are deepening the conflict further. 

The role of super-governments such as the UN, civil societies, NGOs, and think tanks have been reduced drastically due to the pandemic.

One could interpret the situation this way: The East is now a more happening place for economic activity. So, the battleground is shifting towards the East, just as it did in Europe in the 1930s and 40s.

This can only be seen as a clear failure of globalization. So, where does that leave us? In the past, world leaders stated that they “didn’t have any choice” but to go to war. However, time and history have proven that we did have choices -- and we still do.

War and conflict were, definitely, never the purpose of globalization. Globalization is not about nations asserting their superiority.

 Globalization is to bring nations together to collaborate and consolidate efforts for the collective good of the world; let us not fail at it. 

That is why Globalization is just a word that people who should know better use to explain something but what? 

It is a word like nearly everything picked up from the media and never questioned as to if it was real. 

The easily led accept more or less everything that complies with their world view or their view on society and it is nearly impossible to reason with them as they already know what they want to say . As Nietsche said

     Who could change with reason that which was learnt without reason 

This is further embedded by a lot of education in schools where teachers take fake ideas as a given just because everyone more or less thinks they are true . The truth though is an adventure and maybe the greatest adventure that we as thinking people can take .Through truth comes communication and thus real globalization . You can go on that adventure or be as Aristotle said 

               Say  Nothing , Do Nothing , and Be nothing 

My own feelings and this might be myopic is that this word Globilization never existed in the real world merely fashionable . I think it might just be a word needed to explain the easy migration of people needed to work in the west at lower wages or for companies to open up in third world countries and dump their European workforces but that is just a feeling and I cannot prove it.


1.Why do people believe the TV  and other media ?

2.What is the real fake news TV or Facebook?

3.Does the lack of co-operation as regards covid show us there is no such thing as globilization?

4.Why do"deadwoods" always want to be right without knowing



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