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Monday, May 10, 2021



What the third world does appals lots of people in the West and sometimes rightly so. This week hundreds of decaying dead covid victims were abandoned in India plus children blown up by Terrorists in Afghanistan. 

Their cities look like post-nuclear strikes today. For instance, Karachi in Pakistan was left superbly maintained by the British but now the whole place is falling apart. I saw a photo of it just after independence and it looked clean and neat. It's now nearly all one big dump.  if we look at Indian and Pakistani cities, at least from the YouTube videos I have seen, you will understand. That said I have often seen westerners put their western values onto the people of the third world. 

Let us look at something close to home, the Riders, most are third-world immigrants plus some Italians. The pay seems to be 1k a month circa and the positive parts are you have at least a way out of the ghetto and then secondly you get amazingly fit cycling around all day. Capitalism, of course, is using these people to make money out of them but nevertheless, they might be begging now instead of making money for no one really cares about them in a real sense. Apart from the riders sit to think about teachers in Italy, people like me. There can be no greater exploitation than to pay an English expert 1,300 euros a month. That is why the people who are supposed to be "madrelingua" teachers in the Italian school system are nearly all Italians and therefore, obviously, fakes. 

Most of the caring is just words nothing more . I always say why don't give one that spare room in your house to someone you supposedly care about who lives in bad conditions. At that point, the conversation usually stops. 

The world at the moment according to high-level study is down in poverty as never before. Is this because of capitalism ?_ I do not really  know but it seems to me that those who denounce the people who make money out of the Riders could not answer the following question? 

Ok, so we outlaw this operation yeh? So what do we put in its place?

There are also those Western liberal types who denounce child labour in the Third World. If a family turned around and said "Yes but that's how we can get by" What would the western liberal offer? 

In 1912 my 12-year-old Grandfather drove a horse and cart through London. He actually enjoyed it because he earned good money. He gave it to his poor Mother. No complaints just his lot in life. 

 Would be intellectuals trying to sound cool to their friends ignore the reality of the third world. It's the school of hard knocks and it's not pretty. People living badly and maybe often of their own making and often not. Would they have been much better off under colonial rule? Well, that depends on the Country. Not Belgium whenslaved everyone anden killed or mutilated them in the Congo. What about the British?  Maybe. 

1.A country that just dumps its dead. What do you think of that?

2. Should the third world be left to sort out its own problems?

3. Do you think that third world riders are doing well seeing as they can earn money? The alternative might be begging.

4. Do you think that capitalism is the only force that really helps those in poverty?

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