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Sunday, June 20, 2021



8 Kinds Of Life Experience Which Will Help You As A Student

 There are lots of other skills you can pick up in your life which will help you through your studies. Consider the following:

1. Organising social events

If you're the friend in your social group who's always organizing the social occasions by planning parties, trips, or holidays, then good news – this experience will help you academically. The ability to take the desired outcome (a trip to a certain place), to see all the steps required to achieve it (transport, tickets, picking a date), to inspire and motivate others to join you, and then to put the plan into practice, will help you in planning and motivation

2. Working with others or playing a team sport

People sometimes think of studying as being a solitary pursuit, but actually you'll often need to work with others . You'll have group projects to complete which will require you to work as part of a team, and sometimes you'll need to take a leadership role. Having had practice at this by playing as part of a sports team or other social group will help you to complete your assignments efficiently.

3. Being a member of a book club

If you've been a member of a book club, or if you like to discuss books that you've read with your friends and family, then this is a useful experience. You know how to analyze and critique a text, to identify its key themes, and to communicate your analysis with others. This is very similar to the process you'll go through when analysing a text in your studies and when writing an essay.

4. Being a debater

If you're the sort of person who can't resist a political debate over the dinner table, then you'll have sharpened your critical thinking and communication skills from all that arguing. Critical thinking is not what you assume to be true or want to be true . Too many people cannot debate because the axiom they begin from is already wrong . Truth is bitter but it is the truth .

5. Having had a casual job

If you've had a job , even if it wasn't related to your field of study, then you'll still have picked up useful skills. You'll have learned how to present yourself in a professional way, to perform tasks within a certain timeframe, and to motivate yourself to get to work even if you weren't feeling up to it. These will be invaluable when you enter the world of work. You can do a part-time job and if the job is interesting you can also become an expert.

6. Dealing with a difficult teacher

If you've ever had to deal with a difficult teacher, then you may have learned skills like how to cope with unclear instructions, how to keep calm in stressful situations, and how to extract useful information from difficult sources. These are all extremely useful when dealing with a challenging situation as regards the world of later work. Also, the confidence that you gain from being able to overcome difficulties will help you too. So there were some advantages to that horrible time you had after all!

7. Drama or music performance

If you have performed on stage as a musician or actor, then you will have some understanding of stage presence and connecting with an audience. This is excellent training for public speaking and oral presentation, which will serve you well when you have to give talks or presentations at work Knowing how to stand, how to project your voice, and being comfortable in front of an audience are essential skills for good presentations.

8. Writing experience of all kinds

Chances are that you've written a lot of essays throughout your education so far, and you'll be writing even more for your university studies. But it's not just essay writing which is useful for a student. If you've written newspaper articles for a school paper, tried creative writing such as poetry or fiction, or written an online blog on a topic you're interested in, these are all great preparation for university writing too. You'll have learned how to convey complex ideas in a simple way, how to adapt your writing for your audience, and how to gauge the appropriate level of detail for a piece of writing, all of which are beneficial . Try to ask your teacher if you can read your writing in class.

1. What piece of advice is good ?

2. Would you consider a job ?

3. Why is it important to be critical and only offer opinions on things you know?

4. Every bad situation can be positive, why? For instance I have to walk a lot because I do not have a car but I regard that as like going to the gym. What about you?

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