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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Herbs to cure children

SAGE for fever and sore throat, twice a day , make a tea and gargle with it

BORAGE  use in a salad when a child has a fever this will reduce it

GINGER  make a pulp and give to child on a spoon , twice a day. Helps to reduce all aches , especially good for headaches,Should be taken every day twice a day. A wonder herb.

ROSEMARY  one teaspoon to 250 ml of cold water slowly bring to boil and then simmer . drink one cup each morning and afternoon, to be used after any fever

LAVENDER to treat sore throats , make a tea then drink

CHICORY stomach pains ,250ml in water bring to boil  then simmer 3 minutes , a child can drink 2 cups a day to soothe stomach

TUMERIC An antimicrobial property.  turmeric was a medicine for a range of diseases and conditions, including those of the skin, pulmonary, and gastrointestinal systems, aches, pains, wounds, sprains, and liver disorders. A fresh juice is commonly used in many skin conditions, including eczema, chicken pox, shingles, allergy, and scabies.
Manjal Pal (turmeric milk) is warm milk mixed with some turmeric powder. It is commonly used in Tamilnadu as a home remedy when someone is suffering from fever.
Turmeric paste is often used in Tamilnadu as an antiseptic in open wounds, while chun-holud (turmeric with slaked lime) is used to stop bleeding as home remedies.
The active compound curcumin is believed to have a wide range of biological effects including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumour, antibacterial, and antiviral activities, which indicate potential in clinical medicine. In Chinese medicine, it is used for treatment of various infections and as an antiseptic.Highly reccomended for children as a prevention of fever and as a cure before anti biotics.

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