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Monday, March 8, 2021


 Mary; What do you think the main factors were regarding England being the first country to industrialize?

John; I think it was the fact it was an island first and foremost and therefore they were not ravaged by wars then after that I would say raw material and good colleges.

Mary; Yes it wasn't one factor but a combination

John; Yes its never one thing but a series of things that come together

Mary; Could it be that the people there in Great Britain were just more intelligent?

John; Intelligence could be a factor but we would have to use data and statistics to find that out and it is too late now.

Mary; What about all the coal?

John; Well other countries had coal but didn't use it for inventions that drove machines

Mary; What was the greatest invention in that age

John; Well I would have to say the steam engine that also created the railways

Mary  Why _

John  Because it was devastating. You could suddenly go places fast and therefore everything changed 100 per cent.

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